Beginner Strength Training Routine for Weight Loss

Discover the transformative power of a beginner strength training routine for weight loss. Elevate your fitness journey with low-impact, high-results exercises, building lean muscle mass and boosting metabolism. Embrace inclusivity and adaptability, making this comprehensive workout accessible to all fitness levels. Unleash the potential for cardiovascular health and sustainable weight loss. Start your empowering fitness journey today with our guided beginner strength training routine for weight loss.

Table of Contents


Welcome to your total body low-impact cardio and strength workout with your certified health and fitness. In this routine, you’ll discover the power of combining cardio and strength training for effective weight loss.


Importance of Strength Training for Weight Loss

Doing this workout regularly will boost your metabolism by building lean muscle mass. These muscles not only help you lose weight but also contribute to achieving fabulous fitness results. Whether you’re using hand weights or water bottles, this routine is designed to fuel your weight loss journey.

Equipment and Preparation

Hand Weights or Alternatives

For this workout, hand weights are recommended. However, if you don’t have any, don’t worry! You can use water bottles as an alternative. Check out the description box below for a recommended brand on Amazon. The goal is to find something that adds resistance to enhance the effectiveness of your workout.

Creating an Exercise Space

Find a comfortable spot where you can move freely. Clear some space around you to avoid any obstacles. Whether it’s your living room or bedroom, make sure you have enough room to stretch, march, and do the exercises without any restrictions. This routine is all about simplicity and making the most out of your available space. Get ready to enjoy the workout in a space that suits you!



Marching and Shoulder Rolls

To kick off your workout, start with a nice, strong march. Lift your knees up and down, roll your shoulders back, and stand tall. This simple yet effective movement gets your body ready for action.

Energizing Warm-Up

Generate positive energy by taking deep breaths and releasing them. Consider playing some uplifting music in the background, whether it’s 90s hip-hop or a tune that fills you with joy. Perform shoulder rolls and concentrate on standing with confidence. This warm-up establishes the mood for an amazing exercise session by elevating your energy levels and priming your muscles for the upcoming workout. So, prepare to march, roll those shoulders, and relish the positive vibes!

Cardio Moves


Butt Kicks with Arm Pull

Let’s start by bringing your heels up towards your butt. While doing this, swing your arms forward and backward. This not only gets your heart pumping but also warms up your entire body.

Knee Drives for Glute Activation

Incorporate knee drives by lifting your knees up towards your chest. As you do this, squeeze your standing butt cheek. It’s a great way to wake up those glute muscles, setting the stage for effective weight training later on.

Low Impact Jumping Jacks

Engage in low-impact jumping jacks. Instead of traditional jacks, tap to the side to make it knee-friendly. This move helps you keep the intensity up without putting too much strain on your knees.

Ski Pole Jumps for Explosive Butt Squeezes

Imitate the motion of pushing off a mountain with ski pole jumps. As you squat down, imagine closing a car door with your butt. Explode upward, squeezing your butt hard at the top for that extra burn.

Speed Skates and Rainbow Arms

Step and cross for low-impact speed skates. Add a dynamic element by extending your arms in a rainbow motion overhead. This combination keeps your heart rate up while working on your arms and legs.

Modified Jump Rope Max

Experience the benefits of jump roping without the impact. Lift one knee at a time while swinging your arms like you’re turning a jump rope. Increase the speed for an extra challenge.

Boxing and Punching Moves

Put on your boxing gloves for some fun punching moves. It’s not just about cardio – imagine punching away any negative thoughts. This dynamic activity adds an element of stress release to your workout.

Get ready to enjoy these cardio moves and elevate your heart rate while having a blast!

Strength Training


Squats for Lower Body Strength

Get ready to work on your lower body strength with squats. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, toes slightly out, and slowly lower down and then back up. Make sure to squeeze your muscles at the top for maximum impact.

Bicep Curls for Toned Arms

Grab your weights and focus on bicep curls. Lift the weights slowly and then lower them back down, working on toning those arm muscles. Keep your heart rate up and maintain good form throughout.

Flat Back Deadlifts for Hamstrings

Narrow your stance and work on flat-back deadlifts. Hinge at your hips, keeping your chest open and proud. This movement targets your hamstrings, and it’s crucial to maintain a neutral spine for optimal effectiveness.

Rows for a Strong Back

Transition to rows for a strong back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the weights towards you. This exercise is excellent for building strength in your upper back muscles.

Cardio Boosts between Sets

Keep the energy high by incorporating low-impact cardio boosts between sets. These brief cardio intervals help maintain an elevated heart rate, ensuring a combination of strength training and cardio benefits.

Get ready to feel the burn and work on building strength in various muscle groups. Remember to maintain proper form and enjoy the journey to a stronger, healthier you!

Additional Cardio


Lateral Lunges for Cardio and Leg Strength

Incorporate lateral lunges to add a cardio element while strengthening your legs. Take wide steps to the side, bending one knee while keeping the other straight. This movement engages your legs and gets your heart pumping.

Step Twists for Core Activation

Activate your core with step twists. Step forward and twist your torso, engaging your abdominal muscles. This dynamic movement not only works on your core but also adds an extra cardio boost.

Victory V Heel Taps

Add some flair with Victory V heel taps. Step forward and tap your heel while forming a V shape with your arms. This combination not only elevates your heart rate but also engages your abs and leg muscles.

Squat Taps for Inner Thighs

Finish off with squat taps to target your inner thighs. Squat down and tap your heels together, focusing on engaging those inner thigh muscles. This move adds a cardio element while working on specific muscle groups.

Get ready to spice up your workout with these additional cardio moves, ensuring a well-rounded and effective exercise routine!

Shoulder Work


Alternating Arm Forward Raises

Let’s focus on your shoulders with alternating arm-forward raises. Lift one arm at a time in front of you, alternating between sides. This exercise targets your shoulder muscles, helping to build strength and definition.

Arnold Press for Well-Rounded Shoulders

Engage in the Arnold Press to work on achieving well-rounded shoulders. Start with your palms facing your head, then open your arms out, press overhead, and bring them back in. This movement adds variety to your shoulder workout, hitting different muscle angles.

Tricep Press for Sculpted Arms

Target your triceps for sculpted arms with the tricep press. Extend your arms from the elbow, focusing on squeezing the backs of your arms. This exercise not only works on your triceps but also engages your shoulders, contributing to a well-rounded arm workout.

Upright Rows to Target Shoulders

Finish off your shoulder routine with upright rows. Lift the weights straight up towards your shoulders, keeping your elbows higher than your wrists. This movement primarily targets your shoulder muscles, contributing to a comprehensive shoulder workout.

Keep those shoulders strong and well-defined by incorporating these exercises into your routine. Remember to use proper form and enjoy the burn as you work towards sculpted and resilient shoulders!

Floor Exercises

Glute Bridges for a Strong Booty

Time to strengthen that booty with glute bridges. Lay on your back, place the weight on your hips, and lift your hips toward the ceiling. Squeeze your butt at the top for a powerful glute workout.

Clam Shells for Hip Activation

Activate your hips with clam shells. Lay on your side, lift and lower your top leg while keeping your pelvis stable. This exercise targets your hips, enhancing overall hip strength and stability.

Side Planks for Core Stability

Build core stability with side planks. Support your body on your side, either with knees or legs extended. Lift your hips, engaging your core muscles. This exercise is excellent for building strength and stability in your core.

Fly Press with Leg Drops

Combine chest and ab work with the fly press and leg drops. Lay on your back, weigh in your hands, and perform a fly press while lowering one leg at a time. This compound movement targets your chest and abs simultaneously.

Take it to the floor and feel the burn as you work on specific muscle groups. These exercises contribute to a well-rounded and effective workout routine!

Cool Down and Stretching

Importance of Cooling Down

After a fantastic workout, it’s crucial to cool down to allow your heart rate to gradually return to normal and prevent muscle soreness. Cooling down helps your body transition from intense exercise to a state of rest, promoting recovery and flexibility.

Flexibility and Stretching Routine

Let’s focus on flexibility and stretching to wrap up your workout. Stretching helps lengthen muscles and improve flexibility, reducing the risk of injury and promoting overall well-being. Here’s a simple routine to enhance your flexibility:

  1. Marching and Shoulder Rolls: Begin with gentle marching and roll your shoulders to release tension.
  2. Hamstring Stretch: While seated or standing, extend one leg and reach towards your toes, feeling a gentle stretch in your hamstrings.
  3. Quad Stretch: While standing, grab one foot behind you, bringing it towards your glutes. Feel the stretch in your quadriceps.
  4. Chest Opener: Clasp your hands behind your back and open your chest, stretching your shoulders and chest muscles.
  5. Triceps Stretch: Reach one hand down your back, bending your elbow, and gently press on your elbow with your opposite hand.
  6. Calf Stretch: Step one foot back and press your heel into the ground, feeling the stretch in your calf.
  7. Child’s Pose: Kneel on the ground, sit back on your heels, and reach your arms forward, stretching your back and shoulders.

Remember to breathe deeply during each stretch and go to a point where you feel comfortable stretching. Cool down and stretch regularly to enhance flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and promote overall relaxation. You did a fantastic job, and your body will thank you for your care and attention!


What is a Total Body Low Impact Cardio and Strength Workout?

A Total Body Low Impact Cardio and Strength Workout is a fitness routine that combines cardiovascular exercises with strength training. It focuses on working various muscle groups while minimizing impact on joints.

Why is strength training emphasized in this workout?

Strength training is emphasized for its ability to build lean muscle mass, boost metabolism, and contribute to weight loss. It also enhances overall fitness and helps achieve well-rounded results.

Do I need special equipment for this workout?

The workout suggests using hand weights, but alternatives like water bottles can be used. The emphasis is on accessibility, making it suitable for individuals with minimal equipment.

Is this workout suitable for beginners?

Yes, this workout is designed with beginners in mind. The low-impact nature and variety of exercises make it accessible to those new to fitness.

How long is the recommended warm-up for this workout?

The warm-up involves marching, shoulder rolls, and energizing moves to prepare the body for the workout. It lasts for a few minutes to ensure proper readiness.

Are the cardio moves included beginner-friendly?

Yes, the cardio moves, such as butt kicks, knee drives, and low-impact jumping jacks, are beginner-friendly. The emphasis is on promoting cardiovascular health without excessive strain.

Why are strength training and cardio moves alternated during the workout?

Alternating between strength training and cardio moves helps maintain an elevated heart rate throughout the session, maximizing calorie burn and overall effectiveness.

How long should I expect to spend on the strength training portion of the workout?

The strength training section involves exercises like squats, bicep curls, and deadlifts. This typically takes a significant portion of the workout, aiming for muscle engagement and toning.

Can I modify the workout based on my fitness level?

Yes, modifications are encouraged. Whether adjusting weights, and pace or opting for lower-impact variations, the workout is adaptable to different fitness levels.

Why is a cool-down and stretching routine essential at the end of the workout?

The cool-down and stretching routine helps gradually bring the heart rate back to normal, prevent muscle soreness, and enhance flexibility. It promotes recovery and overall well-being.


The beginner strength training routine for weight loss is more than a workout; it’s a gateway to a healthier lifestyle. As you engage in this comprehensive routine, celebrate your progress, honor your body’s capabilities, and embrace the positive changes that come with consistent effort.

Embark on your fitness journey today, and let this beginner strength training routine be the catalyst for a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant you. Remember, it’s not just about losing weight; it’s about gaining strength, vitality, and a newfound appreciation for your well-being. Here’s to your fitness success!

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