Body Weight Workout for Shoulders

Achieve strong, sculpted shoulders with our “Body Weight Workout for Shoulders.” Explore effective exercises designed to enhance shoulder strength using only your body weight. This versatile and accessible routine is perfect for all fitness levels, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Elevate your upper body fitness journey with this dynamic workout today!


Welcome to a quick and effective shoulder workout that you can do right at home! In this workout, we’re focusing on using just your body weight to build solid shoulders. It’s a workout that’s not only efficient but also super convenient, fitting into your schedule no matter how busy you are.


Overview of the Shoulder Workout

Today, we’ve got six exercises lined up, targeting different parts of your shoulders – the frontal, medial, and rear delts. These exercises are designed to give you a complete shoulder workout, helping you build muscle and strength. And the best part? We won’t be spending a lot of time resting; instead, we’ll keep the momentum going to make the most out of your workout time.

Importance of Bodyweight Training

Now, you might be wondering why we’re using body weight instead of traditional weights. Well, the goal here is not just to have big shoulders but also to progress in calisthenics – exercises that use your body weight for strength and skill. So, we’re focusing on movements that develop both your physique and your ability to do cool calisthenic skills, like handstand pushups and planche pushups.

If you’re ready to dive in and start building those big, strong, and functional shoulders, let’s get started! Don’t forget, you can download the Thenx app to have this workout on your phone for easy access. And if you enjoy the video, show some love by smashing that like button – it helps us reach more people looking to improve their fitness. Alright, let’s jump into the workout!

Why Body Weight for Shoulders?


Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are awesome, especially for your shoulders. Why? Because they’re super effective, and you don’t need fancy equipment. In this workout, we’re using just your body weight to make those shoulder muscles work hard.

Now, some might wonder, why not just lift heavy weights? Well, the thing is, bodyweight exercises have their own perks. They not only build muscle but also improve your ability to do cool moves like handstand pushups and planche pushups. It’s like a two-in-one deal – working on both strength and skill at the same time.

Building Muscle with Minimal Equipment

Here’s the cool part – you don’t need a bunch of equipment or a fancy gym. Nope, just find a corner in your room, and you’re good to go. In this workout, we’re keeping it simple, and you can even do some exercises using just a table or chairs. And if you’re feeling a bit extra, you can use rings, but they’re totally optional.

So, in a nutshell, bodyweight exercises make it easy for you to build those shoulder muscles without needing a ton of gear or a big space. It’s all about keeping it simple, effective, and, most importantly, fun. Let’s dive into the workout and see those shoulders getting stronger!

The Thenx Shoulder Workout

Overview of the 6 Exercises

Alright, let’s break down the workout for those killer shoulders! We’ve got six exercises lined up, each doing something special for your shoulder muscles. And the best part is, you can do all of them right from the comfort of your home.

  1. Ring Rear Delt Rows: First up, we’ve got this move that targets your rear delts. It’s like giving your shoulders a solid foundation.
  2. Face Pulls for Rear Delts: Next, we’re focusing on those rear delts again, along with some other important muscles. No worries if you don’t have rings; you can do this using a table or chairs.
  3. Tuck Planche Hold: Now, this one works on your frontal delts. It’s all about building strength and getting ready for some cool calisthenic skills.
  4. Handstand Pushups: Ready for some fun? We’re getting into handstand pushups to make those frontal delts even stronger. Don’t worry if you’re not there yet; we’ve got progressions for everyone.
  5. Full Planche Lean: Here, we’re hitting the frontal delts again, along with other muscles like triceps, lats, and core. It’s a bit challenging but totally worth it.
  6. Side Plank Raises: Last but not least, we’re wrapping it up with side plank raises. This one targets your medial delts and also works those obliques and serratus anterior muscles.

Importance of Consistency

Now, here’s the key – consistency. Whether you’re a workout pro or just starting, doing these exercises regularly is the secret sauce. You don’t need a ton of time; even a few minutes a day can make a big difference. So, make it a habit. Your shoulders will thank you for it!

Remember, it’s not just about today’s workout; it’s about making progress over time. So, let’s stay consistent, have fun with it, and watch those shoulders get stronger and more defined. Ready to jump in? Let’s hit those exercises and make it happen!

Exercise 1: Ring Rear Delt Rows


Targeting Rear Delts

First up in our shoulder workout is the Ring Rear Delt Rows. This exercise is all about working those rear delts, the back part of your shoulders. The cool thing is, it helps give your shoulders a strong base, setting the tone for the rest of the workout.

Form and Technique

Here’s how you do it: grab those rings and get ready. The lower you go, the harder it works. So, stretch out as far as you can, then pull back in, squeezing your back and those rear delts. Keep those heels on the ground, engage your core, and let’s make every rep count. Remember, it’s not about speed; it’s about doing it right.

Progressions for Advanced Athletes

Now, if you’re feeling like you want more, we’ve got progressions for the pros. Go lower, challenge yourself, and feel the burn. For advanced athletes, this exercise lays the groundwork for even more challenging moves like the one-arm pull-up or muscle-up. So, keep pushing, and you’ll see those rear delts getting stronger with each workout.

Stay with it, and let’s move on to the next exercise!

Exercise 2:Ring Rear Delt Rows

Emphasizing Rhomboids and Teres Minor

Next on our shoulder workout list is Face Pulls for Rear Delts. This one is great for hitting not only the rear delts but also giving some love to the rhomboids and teres minor muscles in your upper back.

Modified Version Without Rings

Now, if you don’t have rings, no worries at all! You can still rock this exercise using a table or two chairs. Get into position and pull to your ears, then back down. It’s all about that controlled movement, engaging those muscles in your upper back.

So, let’s emphasize those rhomboids and teres minor, even if you’re doing it without rings. Keep those heels on the ground, focus on the pull, and let’s make those rear delts work.

Ready for more? Let’s dive into the next exercise and keep that shoulder workout going strong!

Exercise 3: Tuck Planche Hold


Developing Frontal Delts

Now, let’s talk about the Tuck Planche Hold. This exercise is all about developing those frontal delts, the front part of your shoulders. It might look fancy, but don’t worry – we’ve got options for all levels.

Beginner Modifications

For beginners, start by putting your hands where your knees are at. Now, try leaning forward and bringing your feet up. Feel that tension in your frontal delts? That’s what we’re aiming for. If it feels challenging, no problem – take breaks, come back, and keep at it.

Advancing to Full Planche

As you get comfortable, you can move on to Tuck Planche Pops. Lean forward and bring one foot up at a time, then alternate. Eventually, you’ll be able to lean further and do it like a pro. The goal? A full planche. It might take time, but every small step gets you there.

So, whether you’re just starting or aiming for the full planche, this exercise is fantastic for building those frontal delts. Let’s keep pushing and see those shoulders getting stronger! Ready for the next challenge? Let’s go!

Exercise 4: Handstand Pushups


Strengthening Frontal Delts

Get ready for some fun with Handstand Pushups! This exercise is all about strengthening those frontal delts – the front part of your shoulders. It might look tricky, but we’ve got progressions for everyone, so don’t worry if you’re just starting out.

Progressions for Beginners

For beginners, we’ve got you covered. If full handstand pushups feel like a stretch, start with the Elevated Pipe Pushup or the Pipe Pushup. These progressions help you build the strength you need. The key here is not about doing many but doing them well.

Importance of Proper Form

Now, whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, one thing holds true – proper form is key. Focus on quality over quantity. Make sure your form is spot on, and you’ll feel those frontal delts working hard. Palms down, controlled movements – that’s the secret.

So, let’s have some fun, strengthen those frontal delts, and remember, progress at your pace. The journey matters more than the destination. Ready for the next challenge? Let’s keep this shoulder workout rolling!

Exercise 5: Full Planche Lean


Targeting Frontal Delts, Medial Delts, Triceps, Lats, and Core

Now, let’s dive into the Full Planche Lean – an exercise that targets not only the frontal delts but also the medial delts, triceps, lats, and your core muscles. It’s like a full-body workout, and we’ve got the details to make it work for you.

Proper Execution and Progressions

To get it right, start by getting into the pushup position. Put your feet inside, keep your body straight, and lean forward. Feel that tension in your frontal delts, medial delts, triceps, lats, and core. Now, push back and repeat.

The key here is to keep your arms as straight as possible, palms pushing down into the ground. It’s a challenging move, but the more you learn, the stronger you get. And if you’re looking to progress, focus on pushing your limits gradually.

So, whether you’re just starting or taking it to the next level, this exercise is a powerhouse for multiple muscle groups. Keep that form in check, lean forward, and let’s see those shoulders and core getting rock solid. Ready for the last push? Let’s do it!

Exercise 6: Side Plank Raises


Focusing on Medial Delts, Obliques, and Serratus Anterior

Our final exercise in this killer shoulder workout is the Side Plank Raises. This one is all about hitting the medial delts, obliques, and serratus anterior – giving you a well-rounded finish to our routine.

Time Under Tension and Core Engagement

Get into the pushup position, then turn to the side. Lower that hip down and push it right back up. We’re going for 22 seconds on each side, squeezing those medial delts, obliques, and serratus anterior. Keep that core engaged and feel the burn.

It’s all about time under tension – making those muscles work for every second. As you raise and lower, focus on squeezing and engaging. And don’t forget to switch sides to give each part of your body the attention it deserves.

So, let’s give it everything we’ve got for the last push. Squeeze those medial delts, engage the core, and feel that burn. You’re almost there! Congratulations on getting through this round with me. Your shoulders and core are on their way to being stronger and more defined. Ready to finish strong? Let’s do it!

Workout Structure and Tips

45-Second Intervals, 15-Second Breaks

Now, let’s talk about how we’re going to structure this workout. Each exercise is going to be a quick 45 seconds – that’s your time to shine and give it your all. After that, take a short 15-second break to catch your breath and get ready for the next move. It’s a rhythm that keeps you working but gives you just enough time to recover.

Prioritizing Form Over Repetitions

Remember, it’s not about how many reps you can do; it’s about how well you do them. Focus on your form – make each movement count. Whether it’s a ring rear delt row or a side plank raise, quality is key. So, don’t rush; take your time, feel the muscles working, and let that be your guide.

Tailoring the Workout to Your Fitness Level

Now, every athlete is unique, so make this workout work for you. If you’re just starting, take it easy, and maybe do fewer rounds. If you’re feeling advanced, go for more rounds and challenge yourself. You can even modify some exercises if needed. No rings? No problem! You can still rock these moves with a table or chairs.

The goal is progress, not perfection. Listen to your body, push a little harder each time, and most importantly, have fun with it. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, this workout is designed to work for you.

So, let’s prepare for those 45-second bursts of effort, take those short breaks, and tailor this workout to fit your fitness level. Are you pumped up? Let’s dive in and make those shoulders stronger!


Here are frequently asked questions (FAQs) about “Body Weight Workout for Shoulders

Q: What is a body weight workout for shoulders?

A: A body weight workout for shoulders is a fitness routine that focuses on strengthening and sculpting the shoulder muscles using exercises that rely solely on your body weight.

Q: How effective is a body weight workout for shoulders?

A: It’s surprisingly effective! Body weight exercises engage various shoulder muscles and offer a challenging yet efficient way to build strength and definition.

Q: Can I perform a body weight workout for shoulders at home?

A: Absolutely! The beauty of this workout is that it can be done in the comfort of your home, eliminating the need for specialized equipment.

Q: Are body weight workouts suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, body weight workouts for shoulders often include modifications, making them accessible for beginners while still providing a great workout.

Q: How does a body weight workout for shoulders differ from using weights?

A: Unlike traditional weightlifting, body weight workouts for shoulders use your own body resistance, promoting functional strength and targeting various muscle groups simultaneously.

Q: What are the key benefits of incorporating a body weight workout for shoulders into my routine?

A: Engaging in a body weight workout for shoulders helps improve strength, stability, and flexibility while promoting a more toned and defined shoulder area.

Q: Can a body weight workout for shoulders help me achieve a more sculpted physique?

A: Absolutely! Regularly incorporating these workouts into your routine can contribute to developing well-defined shoulders and an overall sculpted upper body.

Q: How often should I perform a body weight workout for shoulders to see results?

A: For optimal results, aim to include this workout in your routine at least two to three times a week, adjusting the frequency based on your fitness level and goals.

Q: Can I use the Thanx app for body weight workouts for shoulders?

A: Yes, the Thanx app offers a variety of body weight exercises for shoulders, providing structured routines designed to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Q: Are there any specific tips for maximizing the effectiveness of a body weight workout for shoulders?

A: Focus on maintaining proper form, prioritize consistency in your routine, and explore different progressions to challenge yourself during your body weight workout for shoulders.


In conclusion, embracing a “Body Weight Workout for Shoulders” is a versatile and efficient approach to enhancing your shoulder strength and definition. This workout regimen, centered around your body’s natural resistance, not only targets specific shoulder muscles but also fosters overall functional strength and stability.

By opting for body weight exercises, you eliminate the need for extensive equipment, making it accessible for home workouts. Whether you are a fitness novice or a seasoned athlete, the adaptability of these exercises allows for modifications to suit various fitness levels.

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