Cable Cross Shoulder Exercises

Discover the transformative power of cable cross shoulder exercises for a sculpted and well-defined upper body. Explore a range of variations, from wide grip presses to posterior delt movements, utilizing constant tension for optimal muscle engagement. 


Welcome, guys! today I’ve got something special for you. Usually, you see me doing all sorts of crazy workouts, either solo or with a friend. But today, let’s switch gears a bit. I want to share some valuable insights with you, focusing on a specific aspect – building those shoulders.


I’ll walk you through shoulder exercises using a cable machine. These are perfect for those times when you’re in a rush and can’t put together a full workout. These exercises can be added to your routine or done independently when time is tight. Give them a shot and let me know what you think!

Now, let’s dive into the details of these Cable Cross Shoulder Exercises.

Cable Shoulder Bar Press


Wide Grip Bar Press:

Alright, the first up is the wide grip bar press on the cable machine. Picture this – it’s like doing a dumbbell or barbell press, but with a wide bar on the cable machine. This wider grip allows you to position your hands just like you would in a regular press. It’s pretty awesome.

Close Grip Cable Press

Now, let’s talk about the close-grip cable press. This one’s fantastic for hitting the front of your delts and even getting a bit of the upper chest action. The close press is a great variation after your standard press. I like to mix it up, going wide and then going close. It targets those anterior delts, and you’ll feel the burn. If you’re new to this, start with three sets and gradually build up. For you seasoned lifters, aim for four to five sets. Rep-wise anywhere between 10 to 15 is solid, but don’t be afraid to push for 15 to 20 for that extra burn.

Sets and Reps Recommendations:

Remember, the key is to enjoy the burn. With cable movements, I’m all about higher repetitions – sculpting that physique, you know? So, aim for around 15 to 20 reps if you can. Even hitting 20 reps is excellent. It’s all about that tension and shaping. Experiment with the sets and reps, find what works best for you, and let me know how it goes!

Cable Front Raise Variations


Rope Front Raise

Let’s jump into the front raise game, starting with the rope front raise. This one’s a winner for targeting those anterior delts. Using the rope adds a different feel to it, and I feel more activation. It’s a great way to mix things up. But hey, don’t stop there!

Unilateral Front Raise

Now, let’s talk about going unilateral – that’s one arm at a time. It’s like giving your shoulders a solo performance. Mix it up with the rope or try it with a bar. The possibilities are endless. It’s all about keeping it fresh and having fun with your workout.

Variations and Creative Approaches

When it comes to front raises, there are a bunch of variations. You can use a bar, go with a pronated grip, or try a supinated grip. Heck, you can even do singles with a supinated grip. The point is to get creative! This is your time to shine. Experiment with different variations, find what feels good for you, and enjoy the process. Remember, it’s not just about the workout; it’s about having fun and sculpting those shoulders the way you like it. Keep pushing those reps, especially with cable movements, and let me know how you’re getting on!

Cable Lateral Raise Variations


Standard Double Lateral Raise:

Now, let’s shift our focus to lateral movements. We’re kicking off with the standard double lateral raise. This one’s classic – using both cables to keep that tension on both sides. It’s like giving your shoulders a good stretch and squeeze at the same time.

Unilateral Lateral Raise:

Next up, we’ve got the unilateral lateral raise. Fancy term, but it just means lifting one arm at a time. It’s a fantastic way to switch things up. Try it with the rope or experiment with different grips. It’s your time to shine!

Behind-the-Back Lateral Raise:

Here’s a cool one – the behind-the-back lateral raise. Hitting those shoulder muscles from a different angle. Remember, shoulders are like a roundabout – you gotta hit them from different directions. This variation adds a nice twist to your routine.

Rep Range and Importance of Cable Movements:

When it comes to reps, aim for around 10 to 15, but don’t be afraid to push it to 15 to 20 for that extra challenge. Cable movements are fantastic because they keep that tension on, helping you sculpt those shoulders. Think of it like shaping clay – the more reps, the better the sculpt. Have fun with it, enjoy the burn, and let me know how these lateral variations work for you!

Train Posterior Delts using Cable


Bent Over Posterior Delt Exercise:

Let’s talk about the back part of those shoulders – the posterior delts. Many forget about them, but not us! First up, we have the bent-over posterior delt exercise. Imagine leaning forward a bit and raising those cables. It’s a bit like sculpting the back part of your shoulders. We don’t want to neglect these muscles!

Upright Posterior Delt Exercise:

Now, let’s stand tall for the upright posterior delt exercise. This one’s great for hitting the same muscle group but from a different angle. It’s like giving those posterior delts a wake-up call. Stand straight, engage those abs, and feel the burn.

Face Pulls for Posterior Delts:

Ever heard of face pulls? It’s a pretty standard movement, and it’s excellent for those posterior delts. Stand upright, and pull towards your face – simple, but effective. Your core gets a workout too. It’s a win-win.

Importance of Posterior Delt Training:

Why bother with posterior delts? Well, they complete the trio – front, medial, and posterior. For well-rounded shoulders, you’ve got to hit them all. So, whether you’re doing bent-over raises, upright exercises, or face pulls, make sure you’re not skipping the posterior delts. It’s like painting a full picture – you want every detail. So, give these variations a shot, find what clicks for you, and let those posterior delts shine!

Cable Shrugs

Incorporating Shrugs into Shoulder Workouts:

Now, let’s talk about something simple yet effective – cable shrugs. Usually, people grab dumbbells or a barbell for shrugs, but why not mix it up with cables? It’s a game-changer. So, when you’re doing your shoulder workout, throw in some cable shrugs. Grab those cables, lift your shoulders, and feel the squeeze.

Benefits of Cable Shrugs:

Why do cable shrugs, you ask? Well, cables might not be as heavy as a barbell, but they bring their own benefits. When you hold it at the top, that squeeze is gold. It’s like sculpting your shoulders with precision. Plus, if you go for higher reps, that burn is no joke. It’s not always about lifting super heavy – sometimes, it’s about that controlled squeeze. Give cable shrugs a shot, mix them into your routine, and let me know how it feels. It might just become your new favorite!


In conclusion, cable cross shoulder exercises emerge as a dynamic and effective addition to your workout routine, targeting key muscles in the shoulder region. The versatility of these exercises demonstrated through variations like wide grip presses, unilateral raises, and posterior delt movements, allows for a comprehensive and tailored approach to shoulder development.

The constant tension provided by cable movements offers a unique advantage, ensuring sustained muscle engagement throughout the exercises. This not only contributes to muscle definition but also facilitates a well-rounded sculpting of the shoulders. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, the adaptability of cable cross shoulder exercises allows for gradual progression, making them accessible to individuals of all fitness levels.


What are cable cross shoulder exercises?

Cable cross shoulder exercises involve using a cable machine to target and strengthen various muscles in the shoulder region.

Why should I incorporate cable cross shoulder exercises into my routine?

Cable cross shoulder exercises provide constant tension, promoting muscle engagement and aiding in sculpting well-defined shoulders.

Can cable cross shoulder exercises be suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Cable cross shoulder exercises can be adjusted to different fitness levels. Beginners can start with lighter resistance and gradually increase as they progress.

What are the key benefits of incorporating cable movements for shoulder workouts?

Cable movements maintain consistent tension on the muscles, enhancing overall shoulder development. They also allow for a wide range of motion, targeting different parts of the shoulders effectively.

How often should I include cable cross shoulder exercises in my workout routine?

It depends on your overall workout plan, but incorporating these exercises 2-3 times a week can contribute to balanced shoulder development.

Can cable cross shoulder exercises help with muscle definition?

Yes, the constant tension provided by cable exercises can contribute to muscle definition, helping to shape and sculpt the shoulders.

Are there specific variations of cable cross shoulder exercises for different shoulder muscles?

Absolutely! Variations like wide grip presses, unilateral raises, and posterior delt exercises target different parts of the shoulders, ensuring a comprehensive workout.

How do cable cross shoulder exercises compare to traditional shoulder workouts with free weights?

Cable cross shoulder exercises offer a unique advantage by maintaining tension throughout the movement, providing a different stimulus compared to traditional free weights.

Can cable cross shoulder exercises be effective for individuals with time constraints?

Yes, these exercises are versatile and can be incorporated efficiently into a time-sensitive routine, making them ideal for busy schedules.

Where can I find reliable guidance and tips for optimizing cable cross shoulder exercises in my workout routine?

For detailed guidance, consider checking out reputable fitness channels, like Ulysses’ YouTube channel, where you can find expert advice on cable cross shoulder exercises and various workout tips.

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