Chest and Arm Workout with Dumbbells: A Comprehensive Guide

Transform your upper body with an empowering chest and arm workout with dumbbells. Elevate your fitness journey and sculpt a stronger physique today.


Welcome to this workout session where we’ll dive into a chest and arm dumbbell workout. All you need to get started are two pairs of dumbbells. If you have them, you can also use a bench, and there’s an option for a warm-up. No fancy equipment is required, just your dedication!

Equipment Needed:

  • Dumbbells: Grab two pairs – one heavier, one lighter. The speaker will link the weights they use in the description, but pick what feels right for you.
  • Optional Bench: You can do the exercises with or without it; the choice is yours.
  • Warm-Up: There’s a warm-up routine linked in the description. If you’re ready to roll, we’ll jump straight into the chest and arm dumbbell workout.

Get ready to sweat and feel the burn!

Chest and Arm Dumbbell Workout

Close Grip Press

Let’s kick off with the Close Grip Press – a fantastic exercise targeting your chest and triceps. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Neutral Grip Technique:
    • Place your palms facing each other, creating a neutral grip.
    • You can perform this exercise either on the floor or on a bench.
  2. Controlled Movement:
    • Grab your dumbbells, one in each hand.
    • Slowly lower the dumbbells until your triceps touch the floor (if on the floor) or until your shoulders reach a comfortable extension (if on the bench).
    • Press the dumbbells back up without holding them at the top – flow into the next repetition smoothly.
  3. Focus on Chest and Triceps:
    • Maintain control throughout the movement, emphasizing time and attention on your chest and triceps.
    • The goal is to hit these muscle groups effectively.

Take a quick 20-second rest now before moving on to the next exercise. Remember, it’s not about speed; it’s about controlled, intentional movements. Ready for the next challenge? Let’s keep going!

Bicep Exercise: Drag Curl

Now, let’s dive into the Drag Curl – a bicep exercise that works wonders. Here’s how to do it:


  1. Utilizing Lighter Dumbbells:
    • Grab your lighter pair of dumbbells for this one.
    • We’re going for a straight-line movement that engages those biceps effectively.
  2. Straight Line Movement:
    • Start with the dumbbells hanging at arm’s length in front of you.
    • Pull the dumbbells up in a straight line until they are level with your chest.
    • During this movement, focus on pulling your elbows backward.
  3. Emphasizing Bicep Squeeze:
    • When you reach the top, give your biceps a good squeeze.
    • Lower the dumbbells back down in that same straight line to the starting position.

Remember, it’s all about control and form. Don’t rush, and avoid shrugging your shoulders. Let’s keep those biceps working hard! Take a moment to catch your breath, and we’ll tackle the next exercise together. Keep up the great work!

Wider Grip Floor/Bench Press

Now, let’s move on to the Wider Grip Floor/Bench Press – an exercise to amp up the challenge. Here’s how to do it:


  1. Using Heavier Dumbbells:
    • Time to switch to your heavier pair of dumbbells for this exercise.
    • Be sure to pick weights that push you, but that you can handle with good form.
  2. Elbow Positioning:
    • While performing this press, you’ll come wider with your elbows.
    • Keep in mind that you don’t need to go too high; find a position that feels comfortable for your shoulders.
  3. Comfortable Extension:
    • Whether you’re on the floor or a bench, aim for a wider grip but adjust as needed for comfort.
    • If it feels better, you can rotate the dumbbells during the movement.

Remember, it’s not just about the weight; it’s about controlled movements and finding the right balance. Take a moment to rest, and we’ll move on to the next challenge. Keep pushing yourself – you’re doing great!

Dumbbell Skull Crusher

Time for the Dumbbell Skull Crusher – a powerful tricep-targeting exercise. Here’s how to nail it:


  1. Targeting Triceps:
    • Grab your heavier dumbbells for this one, focusing on those triceps.
    • The aim here is to give those triceps a solid workout.
  2. Maintaining a Neutral Grip:
    • Hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip, ensuring your palms face each other.
    • Keep the part of your arm between your shoulder and elbow steady.
  3. Controlled Descent and Squeeze:
    • Lower the dumbbells slowly, maintaining that neutral grip.
    • Stop when the dumbbells either skim the tops of your ears or come very close.
    • Now, extend at the elbow, squeeze those triceps at the top, and repeat the movement.

Take it slow and controlled, emphasizing the squeeze at the top. Fantastic job! Take a brief break, and we’ll tackle the next exercise together. You’re making great strides – keep it up!

Dumbbell Chest Fly

Let’s transition to the Dumbbell Chest Fly – a move that’ll have your chest muscles working. Here’s how to do it right:


  1. Small Bend in the Elbow:
    • Begin with a slight bend in your elbows; don’t lock them out.
    • This slight bend helps maintain control throughout the movement.
  2. Wide Movement:
    • As you perform the fly, resist the temptation to bend your elbows more.
    • Instead, go nice and wide with the movement, feeling that stretch in your chest.
  3. Focus on Chest Muscles:
    • Up at the top of the movement, keep your shoulder blades pinned back.
    • Squeeze your chest muscles together, putting the focus right where you want it.

Remember, it’s all about control and form. Don’t rush, and ensure you’re feeling the burn in those chest muscles. Take a moment to catch your breath, and we’ll keep the momentum going. You’re doing fantastic – keep pushing!

In and Out Bicep Curls

Now, let’s tackle the In and Out Bicep Curls – a fantastic way to sculpt those biceps. Here’s how to execute it with precision:


  1. Elbows Tucked In:
    • Keep those elbows close to your body throughout the entire set.
    • This ensures you’re targeting those biceps effectively.
  2. Controlled Curling:
    • Begin by curling the dumbbells into the center.
    • Slowly lower them back down, maintaining control and resisting the urge to swing.
  3. Maintaining Bicep Tension:
    • As you curl the dumbbells out to the sides, focus on keeping the tension on your biceps.
    • Avoid letting those elbows flare out; keep them tucked in for maximum effectiveness.

Remember, it’s not about speed – control is key. Take a moment to rest, and we’ll move on to the next exercise. You’re crushing it – keep up the excellent work!

Round Summary and Rest

Great job on completing Round One! Now, let’s take a moment to catch our breath and prepare for the next round. Here’s a quick summary and the plan:

  1. Completion of Round One:
    • You’ve successfully finished the first set of exercises – well done!
    • Feel free to take pride in your accomplishments.
  2. 40-Second Rest for Recovery:
    • Now, take a 40-second break to recover.
    • Use this time to breathe, hydrate, and get ready for the next set.

Remember, it’s all about consistency and pacing yourself. When you’re ready, we’ll jump back into the workout. You’re doing fantastic – keep up the dedication!

Round Two and Three

Now, we’re diving into Rounds Two and Three. Get ready to repeat the exercises and maximize your efforts. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  1. Repetition of Exercises:
    • We’re going back through the same set of exercises.
    • Focus on maintaining good form and control, just like in Round One.
  2. Importance of Rest for Optimal Performance:
    • Between each round, take that 40-second rest seriously.
    • It’s crucial for optimal performance in the next set.
    • Use this time to recharge, mentally prepare, and ensure you’re ready to give it your all.

Consistency is key, and each repetition brings you closer to your goals. When you’re set, let’s tackle Round Two with determination! You’re on the right track – keep pushing yourself!

Advanced Dumbbell Exercises

Alternating Crossbody Low to High Flies

Let’s shift gears to the Alternating Crossbody Low to High Flies – a dynamic exercise targeting your upper chest. Here’s how to master it:

  1. Engaging Upper Chest Muscles:
    • This exercise is designed to work those upper chest muscles.
    • As you draw the dumbbell up, focus on engaging that upper chest for maximum impact.
  2. Controlled Movement:
    • Maintain control throughout the entire movement.
    • Avoid leaning back; stay steady and deliberate in your actions.
  3. Alternating Arms:
    • As the name suggests, alternate between arms.
    • Draw the dumbbell up and slightly across your body, feeling the engagement in your upper chest.

Take it slow and steady – quality over quantity. Take a moment to rest, and we’ll tackle the next exercise together. Keep up the great work!

Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Now, let’s delve into the Dumbbell Hammer Curl – an effective move for those biceps. Here’s how to nail it:


  1. Neutral Grip Technique:
    • This curl uses a neutral grip, meaning your palms face each other.
    • Hold the dumbbells in a way that feels natural and comfortable.
  2. Maximizing Time and Attention:
    • Throughout the exercise, focus on maximizing your time and attention on those biceps.
    • Squeeze them at the top of the movement to ensure they’re getting the workout they deserve.
  3. Controlled Descent:
    • As you lower the dumbbells, do so with control.
    • Avoid resting too long at the bottom; keep that tension on your biceps.

Take it at your own pace, ensuring each repetition counts. Rest up, and we’ll conquer the next exercise together. You’re doing fantastic – keep it up!

Half Kneeling Tricep Extension

It’s time for the Half-Kneeling Tricep Extension – a powerful move to target those triceps. Here’s how to master it:

  1. Using Heavier Dumbbell:
    • For this exercise, grab one of your heavier dumbbells.
    • Pick a weight that challenges you but allows for controlled movements.
  2. Focus on Triceps:
    • The primary focus here is on those triceps.
    • Keep your elbows tucked in and tight throughout the movement.
  3. Controlled Movement:
    • Lower the dumbbell down until it gently touches your upper back.
    • Straighten the arms at the top, squeeze the triceps, and control the descent.

Stay focused on your triceps, and make each repetition intentional. Take a short break, and we’ll tackle the next exercise. You’re doing great – keep that momentum going!

Preacher Curl

Let’s explore the Preacher Curl – a bicep-targeting exercise that hits the spot. Here’s how to do it right:


  1. Targeting Biceps:
    • The main focus here is on your biceps.
    • Get ready to give those biceps a good workout.
  2. Proper Form on Bench or Kneeling:
    • You can do this either on a bench or in a kneeling position.
    • Ensure the back of your upper arm (tricep) is in contact with the inside of your thigh or knee.
  3. Vertical Arm Position:
    • Keep your upper arm in a vertical position throughout the curl.
    • Curl the dumbbell up, squeeze your bicep at the top, and then lower it back down to full extension.

Maintain that vertical arm position for maximum effectiveness. Take your time, and let’s hit the next exercise with determination. You’re making excellent progress – keep it up!

Body Weight Exercise: Negative Push-Ups

Now, let’s dive into Negative Push-Ups – a fantastic bodyweight exercise targeting your chest and triceps. Here’s how to master it:


  1. Emphasizing Chest and Triceps:
    • This exercise puts the focus on your chest and triceps.
    • Get ready to feel the burn in these muscle groups.
  2. Slow and Controlled Movements:
    • As you go down into the push-up, make it slow and controlled.
    • Emphasize the negative phase to engage those muscles.
  3. Adaptations for Different Fitness Levels:
    • If you need to, reset off your knees for a less intense version.
    • For those finding it easy, regular push-ups are a great challenge.

Remember, it’s about quality over quantity. Tailor the intensity to your fitness level. Take a moment to rest, and we’ll conquer the final exercise together. You’re doing amazing – keep pushing yourself!

Round Summary and Rest

Well done on completing Round One! Now, let’s take a moment to recharge before tackling the next set. Here’s a quick recap and what to expect:

  1. Completion of Round One:
    • You’ve successfully finished the first set of exercises – great work!
    • Pat yourself on the back for your efforts.
  2. 40-Second Rest for Recovery:
    • It’s time for a 40-second break to catch your breath.
    • Use this short break wisely – hydrate, shake it off, and mentally prepare for Round Two.

Remember, consistency is key. Take the rest you need, and when you’re ready, let’s dive back into the workout. You’re on the right track – keep up the fantastic effort!

Round Two and Three

Now, we’re entering Rounds Two and Three. It’s time to go through the exercises again and make each repetition count. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  1. Repetition of Exercises:
    • We’re revisiting the same set of exercises for Rounds Two and Three.
    • Focus on maintaining good form and control, just like you did in Round One.
  2. Importance of Rest for Optimal Performance:
    • Between each round, that 40-second rest is crucial.
    • It gives your muscles a chance to recover, ensuring optimal performance in the next set.
    • Use this time wisely to stay energized and ready for the challenges ahead.

Consistency is your ally. When you’re set, let’s tackle Rounds Two and Three with determination! You’re making great progress – keep pushing yourself!


In conclusion, incorporating a chest and arm workout with dumbbells into your fitness routine proves to be a highly effective and versatile approach to sculpting and strengthening key upper body muscles. The adaptability of dumbbell exercises allows for tailored routines suitable for various fitness levels, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast.

The significance of engaging in a chest and arm workout with dumbbells lies not only in the targeted development of specific muscle groups but also in the convenience it offers. Whether performed at home or in a gym setting, this workout provides a practical and accessible means to enhance both muscle mass and overall fitness.

FAQs about Chest and Arm Workout with Dumbbells

Can you build chest muscles with dumbbells?

Yes, you can build chest muscles with dumbbells. Exercises like dumbbell bench presses, dumbbell flies, and dumbbell pullovers can effectively target the chest muscles.

Is it good to train chest and arms together?

It can be beneficial to train the chest and arms together since many chest exercises also engage the triceps, and some arm exercises engage the chest (like a close-grip bench press). Combining them can save time and provide a balanced workout.

How do you get big arms and chest with dumbbells?

To develop big arms and chest with dumbbells, focus on compound exercises like dumbbell bench press, incline press, flyes, and overhead triceps extensions. Also, incorporate isolation exercises like bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, and concentration curls.

How do I tone my chest and arms?

To tone your chest and arms, incorporate a mix of resistance training with exercises like push-ups, chest presses, tricep dips, bicep curls, and tricep extensions. Combine this with cardio and a balanced diet to reduce body fat and reveal muscle definition.

What will 100 push-ups a day do?

Doing 100 push-ups a day can help improve upper body strength, endurance, and muscle tone in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. However, it’s essential to incorporate variation in your routine to ensure balanced muscle development.

Can I hit chest every day?

It’s generally not recommended to hit the same muscle group, such as the chest, every day. Muscles need time to recover and grow stronger between workouts. Aim for 1-3 days of chest training per week with at least a day of rest in between.

How many days a week should I do chest and arms?

You can train chest and arms 2-3 times a week, ensuring adequate rest between sessions. Focus on quality workouts rather than excessive frequency.

How to grow arms fast?

To grow arms fast, focus on progressive overload, meaning gradually increasing the weight or intensity of your exercises over time. Incorporate both compound and isolation exercises targeting the biceps and triceps, and ensure you’re getting adequate nutrition and recovery.

What builds arms fastest?

Compound exercises like bench press and overhead press, combined with isolation exercises such as bicep curls and tricep extensions, can help build arms fastest. Consistency, proper form, and sufficient rest are also crucial.

How often should I train arms?

You can train arms 2-3 times a week, depending on your fitness level and recovery ability. Allow at least 48 hours of rest between arm workouts to promote muscle growth and recovery.

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